This committee merged with the Enterprise Risk Management Committee, effective 8/11/17. For historical information on the Enterprise Risk Management Committee email%20a%20request%20for%20the%20EGSC%20Statutes%20dated%2012%2F20%2F16. 的 Works of the Committee are noted below. 


的 purposes of the Institutional Effectiveness (IE) Committee is to foster the College's continual institutional improvement processes. 的se processes will encompass strategic planning, to include enterprise risk management analysis and action planning; both academic program and administrative unit assessment; and comprehensive program review (CPR)和报告. 的 IE Committee will  facilitate the College's transition from an institution primarily offering a single associate degree to one offering a range of options at the associate degree level that are attractive to all students, ranging from those who are minimally prepared academically to those most prepared, by annual review of assessment plans and reports. In addition, the IE Committee will collaborate with the College's baccalaureate degree program directors to assure that appropriate discipline specific accreditations and recognitions are attained and maintained. 的 committee's functions are to recommend policies and procedures as necessary and proper to accomplish its purpose and recommend means for evaluating achievement. 


    • Chair, Director of Strategic Planning and Institutional Research ;
    • Vice President for 学术 and Student Affairs;
    • Vice President for Business Affairs;
    • Dean, School of Humanities and Social Sciences;
    • Dean, School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences;
    • Associate Vice President for External Campuses;
    • 信息技术 representative;
    • Director of EGSC – Statesboro;
    • Student Affairs representative;
    • 机构发展 representative;
    • One faculty member elected by the faculty;
    • Baccalaureate Program Director, serving in order of program seniority;
    • Humanities 学术 Disciplinary Program Coordinator, appointed by the Dean of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences;
    • Mathematics and Natural Sciences 学术 Disciplinary Program Coordinator, appointed by the Dean of the School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences; and
    • Social Science 学术 Disciplinary Program Coordinator, appointed by the Dean of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences

Works of the Enterprise Risk Management Committee

Works of the Institutional Effectiveness Committee